Wednesday, June 29, 2016

(ENGLISH VERSION)The "enigma" of the Winter Camino to Santiago de Compostela from A Rua to Alvaredos

  • Trees and rocks have paintings by an anonymous artist who aims to make the route more enjoyable and confirm the pilgrims who have not been lost using the "language" of the old   landmarks 

The Camiño de Inverno towards Os Alvaredos, a town in the province of Lugo bordering A Rúa,surprise pilgrims on their journey through this last municipality to discover paintings on rocks and trees in bright colors, primarily yellow, blue and red. This call Walker's eyes, she makes him pause, a smile and reflect on its meaning. The curiosity of this stretch of road becomes an "enigma" to decipher, especially when little is known author, only that comes from A Rua and has much effort to jealously guard their identity. 
Signalization Inverno to reach Alvaredos

Assumption Arias , president of the Association Amigos do Camiño of Santiago de Valdeorras , he knows the anonymous artist, but stresses that not reveal the secret identity as "non Quere it be known". However, it does explain the meaning of the paintings that blend with nature.

A parrot in the treesAsuncion Arias argues that, according to the author, the paintings on the rocks are to remember the milestones (permanent signal or stone cairn). Reports that in the old ways, long ago, in places that are considered sacred three stones as a triangle (one on the wide base, a smaller and topped by another undersized) to delimit were placed. And "Cando or pilgrim walking vai eo Camiño pode present some dúbida, your own pilgrims lay three Pedriñas own cairn to see behind decirlle or vai ben, which is not a correct path". 

Mask over the trees in the way of Inverno towards AlvaredosIn addition, reports that in antiquity, as seen for example in the Caves of Altamira, basic colors were royal blue, red and yellow colors "moi mystics, as do sacred heart coñecidos or chama triune. Or é a divine blue vontade, or roxo eo é a life spirit, eo amarelo, to wisdom. Cando join or are formed chama to cor violet, which means transformation and transmutation. " Therefore, each touch of this art and nature Inverno Road is based.

Sil views from the path of Inverno A Rúa­Os Alvaredos A Asuncion Arias seems too good an artist to express freely: "everything is art or eu or applaud" and at the same time, pilgrims have a reference to know that go through the right paths. 

Walkers on the path of Inverno
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